The following are estimated system requirements Windows Server 2019. If your computer has less than the "minimum" requirements, you will not be able to install this product correctly. Actual requirements will vary based on your system configuration and the applications and features you install.
Unless otherwise specified, these minimum system requirements apply to all installation options (Server Core, Server with Desktop Experience, and Nano Server) and both Standard and Datacenter editions.
Processor performance depends not only on the clock frequency of the processor, but also on the number of processor cores and the size of the processor cache. The following are the processor requirements for this product.
Coreinfo is a tool you can use to confirm which of these capabilities your CPU has.
The following are the estimated RAM requirements for this product:
Important: If you create a virtual machine with the minimum supported hardware parameters (1 processor core and 512 MB RAM) and then attempt to install this release on the virtual machine, Setup will fail.
To avoid this, do one of the following: Allocate more than 800 MB RAM to the virtual machine you intend to install this release on. Once Setup has completed, you can change the allocation to as little as 512 MB RAM, depending on the actual server configuration. If you've modified the boot image for Setup with addition languages and updates, you may need to allocate more than 800 MB RAM in order to complete the installation.
Interrupt the boot process of this release on the virtual machine with SHIFT+F10. In the command prompt that opens, use Diskpart.exe to create and format an installation partition. Run Wpeutil createpagefile /path=C:\pf.sys(assuming the installation partition you created was C:). Close the command prompt and proceed with Setup.
Storage controller and disk space requirements.
Computers that run Windows Server 2019 must include a storage adapter that is compliant with the PCI Express architecture specification. Persistent storage devices on servers classified as hard disk drives must not be PATA. Windows Server 2019 does not allow ATA/PATA/IDE/EIDE for boot, page, or data drives.The following are the estimated minimum disk space requirements for the system partition.
Network adapter requirements.
Network adapters used with this release should include these features.
Other requirements.
Computers running this release also must have the following:
The following items are not strictly required, but are necessary for certain features: