SQL CAL 2016 SNGL OLP NL User cal

The software you purchase is designed for use without time limitation. Our product keys activate the programs permanently and without a time limit. If this is not the case, it is clearly indicated.
User Cal 2016.
Product keys are designed for use on a computer, so you need a product key for each device on which you want to use the corresponding software, so that it does not violate Microsoft's license terms.
Additional configuration

Client Access Licences AMicrosoft SQL Server user or device CAL is required for each user or deviceaccessing or using Microsoft SQL Server Standard Edition (Server/CAL). No otherversion of Microsoft SQL Server requires client access licences.

Microsoft SQL Server UserCAL Microsoft SQL Server User Client Access License (CAL) authorises one userto access Microsoft SQL Server from any device when the server is deployedusing the Client/Server mode. (for example, when an employee accesses the serverfrom a computer at work and another at home).

Microsoft SQL Server DeviceCAL Microsoft SQL Server Device Client Access Licence (CAL) authorises onecomputer to access Microsoft SQL Server when the server is deployed using theClient/Server model. Any number of users can use the device (for example, ashared workstation).

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